Friday 28 October 2022

bernadette banner (and friends) rate costume design



i'm aware i've posted bernadette banner before but this is such a good episode it bears watching (i will admit i got to it via her vid on making a dress to suit a victorian mob boss woman - on the grounds i don't know how to do any of that stuff - super worth a watch) not least because it's her doing her thing but because she's got youtube pals along for some of the specifics. 

it's true i don't watch much tv or movies at all now - whoever's responsible for the scripts, i'm looking at you - but i will watch something for incidental detail. i love a chinese or korean or chinese historical costume drama. chinese for the general sumptuousness and korean because i just like the clothes but i'd be the first to admit i know next to nothing about either. valuable links below her vid.

as for the european stuff, aside from period lace that's super hard to get/eye wateringly expensive i'm a bit disappointed, if not surprised, by the lack of accuracy. i appreciate a bit of dramatic license but given how much goes on with hema, re-enactment, medieval weeks etc etc it does feel like the ball gets dropped rather too often.

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