Sunday 31 March 2024

the flandrien challenge

it being the holy week of classics cycling what better way to kick back before/after the ronde than this. the flandrien challenge is definitely on my tick list of things to do but time is definitely running out as i want to do it on a proper bike, not an ebike, but equally not a modern bike. my modern bike, geared as it is for younger racers just wouldn't work for me but my old workhorse, once it's refurbed, will eat these hills. but not the cobbles - there's a lot of modern technology i'm neither here nor there about but fatter tyres is defintiely comfier and i hate a cobble! lol

i actually lost a friend over this trip a while back for, in his eyes, having the temerity to suggest he might want to do some proper training as the route isn't for the faint hearted. i was right then and watching this i feel even more right now. equally i do love the sight of those frituur. as does benji i reckon, who's representing those of us wiht a more normal body shape! patrick does very well but looks like his ageing process stalled at about 19!

entertaining vid. love the classics. love flanders. 

*at the time of writing i'm waiting for the ronde to start. given the weather and the crash at dwars earlier this week here's hoping that it's great racing and everyone gets thru without incident

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