Friday 26 January 2024

klara bylund

adressing, again, the shortage of dance on here. i came across klara bylund purely by chance - i can't embed a video as she only does shorts. but what she does is entirely different from any other dance video that's come up on my feed. straight off, she doesn't look like any of the other dancers i usually see - this looks like someone in their kitchen. and indeed, when you see her other videos, her kitchen is her studio. i love that restriction and i love her use of space. i know nothing about her, other than she's living in/from norrkoping and, to my eyes, this is a fairly unremarkable swedish kitchen! she looks bendy and effortless enough to me to suggest at least some dance or movement training. certainly if i tried this it would look very different!

i found it joyous and a wonderful way to brighten the day.  dance in your kitchen!  (and avoid the comments section!) 

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