Thursday 31 August 2023

don't fall!

there's a certain irony to posting this video as my current mobility issues, i think, are directly related to me falling off a painting platform (house painting, not the other sort!) last week. that said, i've been putting more effort into core stability, proprioception and balance this last year as, along with so much else, it's becoming painfully (sic!) my body is entering its sunset years. even for things like small cuts, it will not heal itself like it used to and, as time progresses, as the video points out, a bony injury like a broken femur, for older people, can be life changing, if not ending. the video title is clickbait - there is no 'this exercise'. a range of movement is requirement. me, i do love my balance board but, at the same time, i don't love squats or single leg exercises. but i do them! 

doing a step up. this looks super easy and yet, despite by any measure being a lot fitter than my peers, i don't have great form doing these and it's something i'm working on

or try this. no gear required whatsoever. i've been doing these for years. great exercise! 

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