Tuesday 13 June 2023

het moet en het zal

it's going to be cycling doumentaries now, not least because there's a wealth of these now and, handily, quite some number in the traditional cycling languages so good practice! i liked this first one in large part just because of the dutchness (ten dam's parents are fabulous) but also because, in ten dam, there's that sense that he's just trying to get back to that state of cycling he had when he was a wee boy, something most of the latter half of my cycling life is deeply in accord with!

further, and trying desperately to avoid jumping straight on my over marketed/over expensive/useless modern bike soapbox, i really did like the observation that unbound was like a stage of the old school tour de france. except with bikes that, for most of us, aren't fit for purpose! lol

here's another one i haven't watched yet 

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