Monday 20 February 2023

terry riley

i get a fair amount of chat from people i used to know about me not working, mostly about writing. it's really not true that i'm not working, i'm doing lots, not so much writing but i'm working my way back to it. what is true that, before i left, and even moreso since i've been back from sweden, is the disinterest (or even avoidance! lol) that's met my work here.*

hence to terry riley, who's been a bigger influence on my writing, and how i present it, than anything else i can think of. i see him here and i look forward to keeping at creative work no matter how old i get. plus what a massive privilege it is just to be able to be involved in any of the work that i'm doing. what a legend!

*which isn't to say i've not had some lovely interactions here but there's a commitment to, as well as respect for, creativity in the likes of sweden that, in my experience, is not the norm here.

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