Saturday 24 September 2022

more on notebooks

clearly i love a notebook. i love a notebook in direct inverse proportion to finding myself living in an anglophone country full of monolingual anglophones. but all is not lost. i'm not a massive fan of social media (despite this blog!) but i do like the proliferation of non anglophone material all over the internet. happy days then to be able to listen to not-english any time i choose. unfortunately, due to the parlous state of my languages, it's not always easy hence back to the notebook. 

it's nice to tune your ear and, in the beginning, listen along with english subtitles. but it's not really helpful. better to listen while you have your target language subtitles on. but don't skip over that vocabulary you don't recognise. jot it down in your notebook and come back to it later.

and don't make it hard for yourself. for me it's the televisual equivalent of teletubbies in the likes of dutch or italian but i get to combine watching cycling content with language learning with the likes of gcn - in spanish, french or german if i so choose. super handy 

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