Monday 1 December 2008

things i've been listening to...

my dad - my dad and i haven't got on so well across the years but i've kept at it (being as i've only got one!), frustrating as at times it might become. recently i've been kind of worried about him as all the fight and self centredness seemed to have gone out of him. was across yesterday and found him back in fine fettle, better even, if anything. he even gave me sage advice. and i listened! i;m going to phone him today to thank him just to surprise him!

the archive hour - in terms of storytelling studs terkel was a major, major influence on me and i can still remember the thrill of reading of reading hard times and the good war for the first time. i remembered terkel and the power of the voice all thru my burroughs/gysin phase without really thinking about it and i've come full circle to making my own recordings now. the archive hour's a decent review of him and his work and is online for the next week

voices of a people's history - still sort of with terkel... i was having a conversation at work the other day about obama, the usual thing, she convinced that obama would make a difference, me not. looking forward to howard zinn's the people speak and coming back to listen to the speeches on this website reminded me both why obama's election matters and why i don't think it will. i'd throughly recommend sitting down with the headphones on for a prolonged listen to this - alice walker's fiery rendition of sojourner truth's speech is a good one to start

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