Monday 11 February 2008


there's something about using gesso - the waiting , the not talking, the activity that itself is only the preamble to something else, something you can't quite see yet, unformed. i get to think about rauschenberg, johns, maybe even turell some days and that'll see me off in that white space back to tiree

the white space of gesso isn't like the blank page, it's not something to fill, it's already there. it is not like the story, which is a starting point to who knows where but more like an invitation. get your brushes out it says, make some light


Marion McCready said...

I would never have guessed Tiree was home to cutting edge art/architecture!

swiss said...

believe it or not aside from the surfing (which that week was non-existent) an turas was the other reason i wanted to go there. it's the farthest i;ve gone and the most money i've spent to see a bus shelter but it was worth it