Thursday 23 October 2008

octavio paz

Cima y gravedad

Hay un árbol immóvil
hay otro que avanza
un río de árboles
golpea mi pecho
es la dicha
el oleaje verde

Tu estás vestida de rojo
el sello del año abrasado
el tizón carnal
el astro frutal
en ti como sol

La hora reposa
Sobre un abismo de claridades
Puñados de sombre los pájaros
sus picos construyen la noche
sus alas sostienen al dia

Plantada en el cresta de la luz
entre la fijeza y el vértigo
tu eres
la balanza diáfana

a request from rachel. if anyone's looking for it, i couldn't find it anywhere else on the internet. it appears in paz's collected poems in the hacia el comienzo section. translation here

1 comment:

Rachel Fox said...

Thanks for this. I like it much more than the English version...but then I do have a problem with translated poems. I may need a self-help group.
I think you have an extra a somewhere and should that sombre be sombra?
I can see why they/the translator wimped out with the title. I'm not sure what I would have done. Turned to drink possibly.