Friday 17 December 2010

bill mohr

Big Band, Slow Dance

Were you close? I'm asked, as if grief
Would sting less deeply were we friends
As well as son and father. Further apart
Two men could never meet, though blood bends

Through arteries, veins and capillaries
Summoned into Presence by his pleasure.
Oh that I could have grown more slowly -
Remember being held, and cradled like treasure.


Niamh B said...

that's really beautiful

Roxana said...

so intense, what could one comment on this, i don't know - it makes me speechless...

Roxana said...

tonight, i listened to this recording of a more famous poem on a similar topic (the _most_ famous, i think):

i suspect you know it but for me it was the first time to hear his reciting - and i cried, and came back to read this other poem here, so much more intimate, and subdued, no heroic in it but a grieving, yet gentle, acceptance - and cried again

swiss said...

glad you both liked it!

to hear that for the first time. would like to have that back! lucky you...