Sunday 30 June 2024

Saturday 29 June 2024

beatpella house

 korean next level beatboxing

Friday 28 June 2024


 danny sapko in typically exuberant form (and he gets to be because he's right) as he extolls the virtue of jean millington and fanny in general. what a shame that, even now, they don't get the recognition they deserve 

Wednesday 26 June 2024

woodcut printing

i've been chopping down some trees of late so, after a bit of drying, this is on the cards  

Tuesday 25 June 2024

sharpening gouges

 handy tool. handy tips 

Monday 24 June 2024


seeing as beth gibbons was up yesterday here's michael palmisano, who's somehow missed ever hearing portishead, reacting to strangers

Sunday 23 June 2024

Saturday 22 June 2024

Friday 21 June 2024

roland aira s1

 it's taken many decades but i'm finally discovering that reading the manual is a good idea. those for electronics tho, are notoriously scant which, when you're faced with something like the s1, isn't the best. fortunately here's this to sort it out. it's a bit rushed - but there's a pause button! i love my wee s1 but i've found this vid invaluable. great fun to follow along, stop, go down a side alley, have a think and start again. and, i'd guess, a good way to get to grips with what's going on with your electronic gizmos! 

Thursday 20 June 2024

roland drum machines

 it seems likely i'll be adding a tr8 to my box of tricks in the near future even tho i really want a tr8s. space is clearly an issue but i loved the aira s1 so consistently since i've opened the box that the tr8 seems a logical add on. they are compatible with my volcas and interesting things may be done but it's amazing, in just the space of ten years, how dated the volcas feel. all are still 'relatively' cheap tho and if you want to get away from tv/socials/daw etc in the dark nights i can't recommend a wee set up like this enough. even if you're as awfully terrible at actually using them as me! lol 

Wednesday 19 June 2024

pinhole photography

 another pinhole basics video from martin henson because.... martin henson! 

Tuesday 18 June 2024

albinoni oboe concerto op9 no2


this an actual albinoni piece, unlike adagio in g minor, which it turns out was writeen by someone else. every day a learning day!

Monday 17 June 2024

eduardo galeano

 one of the book groups i'm on in my socials has an unfortunate habit of repeatedly asking for the 'best' translation, to which my answer is always - how would you know? unless you can read in the original. which is an activity, these days, i'm gravitating more and more towards. i'm not there yet in all my target languages but it's an activity i'd massively recommend as the text opens up in a way that's just not possible otherwise. plus not only do you get a better feel for the original btu you see directly into the choices and style of the translator. it's very satisfying!

anyway, my reading of the moment is eduardo galeano's book of embraces, i love galeano and, as my spanish gets better, he's ideal for reading practice. and my spanish gets better! 

Friday 14 June 2024

les essais

having myself some nice (slow!) parallel reads at the moment and came across this. i don't think i'd have much chance with the original but, on first look, this isn't bad, and i enjoyed a similar approach with don quixote. sh here's montaigne's essays in  modern frenchnull

Thursday 13 June 2024

george miller

 really interesting interview with george miller, not least because of the buster keaton references. i had an interesting discussion post, about how one might, these days, develop a visual lexicon when, in these days of streaming, access to these old classics, is almost non existent 

Monday 3 June 2024

plastic bag

 short film. peak herzog 

Sunday 2 June 2024

kham meslien

 loving this 

Saturday 1 June 2024

aphex twin

 old school aphex outtakes