Thursday 14 December 2023

sonic storyboard

i love this idea! i've been absolutely unmotivated to do any sound recording since i came back to this country (and lost all my swedish sound files, possibly deliberately. maybe probably but i can't bring myself to accept someone would do such a thing!) but this actually wants me to get a decent mike set up, get out and capture soome sound, plus set up the electronics. 

*i'll add a bit here seeing as a lot of this summer has been involved with medium format photography for which i have no negatives. should something happen to these images there's no back up, they exist solely as themselves and, as they age, they will disappear. that my sound files should be subject to the same vagaries plain never occurred to me. this notion appears in byung-chul han's writings - the notion that in the digital panopticon nothing is forgotten - and not in a good way. i need to think on it a bit.

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